8.1 Corporate culture and startup performance

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Очень часто начинающие предприниматели бывают сосдедоточены на клиентах, на своих продуктах, на ценах и себестоимости, но забывают о необходимости управления их основным активом — людьми и корпоративной культуре, которая лежит в основе этого процесса. Корпоративная культура есть всегда и формируется с первых дней существования предприятия. Но основатели компании часто не понимают и не осознают, что именно они вовлечены в создание культуры своего стартапа. Поэтому, иногда, по прошествии некоторого времени, они обнаруживают совсем не ту корпоративную культуру, которую им хотелось бы видеть в своем предприятии. 

Corporate culture is an important aspect of any organization, including startups, as it shapes the way employees work, interact with each other and with customers, and make decisions.

Corporate culture plays a crucial role in how the startup evolves. It defines how it attracts and retains employees; it helps to align goals, values, and work ethics; it influences decision-making process; differentiates the company and can be a strong competitive factor.

Corporate culture plays a vital role in the success of a startup and should not be overlooked. It helps to establish a foundation for growth and sustainability and can set the tone for the future of the company.

In this section, you will be introduced to the basic concepts of corporate culture:

  • You will be able to determine which type of corporate culture suits your business best.
  • You will learn what determines the performance of an organization.
  • You will take the first step towards creation of the corporate culture of your startup.

In order to watch lectures and get access to the practical part, you need to purchase the course

Course Features

  • Lectures 3
  • Quizzes 1
  • Duration 2 days
  • Level all levels
  • Language Russian, English
  • Students 26
  • Assessments Yes
Founder of Startup Navigator. Marina has held various management positions in international US and European companies, including Hewlett Packard, Oracle, Philips Lighting. She has experience in leadership during periods of acquisitions, mergers and divisions of companies. She founded the Aquamarine Book publishing house. As a publisher, she translated into Russian and released a number of bestsellers in the field of business, high technology and psychology in the period 2008-2011, including “What would Google do”, “Being a boss is normal”, “All about distribution”, “Health of a business leader. How to get to the top and stay there”, “Adventures of an IT leader”, “Management myths”, “Dot.Cloud: cloud computing – a business platform of the 21st century” Has a PhD in Economics

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