Быть начальником — это нормально.


By: Bruce Tulgan

INYou go to your local video store. Two employees are standing at the door chatting about something. One of them lights another cigarette: they seem to have been standing there for quite some time. Inside, you find that the third employee behind the counter is too busy to help you find the DVD. When you do manage to find the right place on the shelf, it turns out that the wrong movie is there. Feeling irritated, you select another disc and go to the counter to pay. Naturally, the calculation takes forever. As you leave, you silently curse the disgusting service and think: Terrible place, they hired some incompetent people, they all need to be fired!

Of course, there is a temptation to blame the employees or the entire enterprise. But the real reason is hidden behind the scenes: the manager. The manager's job is to keep an eye on what's going on in the store and ensure that employees are working smoothly and consistently. How? By managing the people who work there! Telling people what to do and how to do it, observing, measuring and describing their performance, solving problems quickly and rewarding those who perform well. That's what management is.

In the book, the author exposes serious management problems through examples of unsuccessful management at all levels of the organization and suggests ways to solve them. You will understand how to make it clear to your employee what you want from him, how to correctly measure his performance, and how to correct mistakes if any occur. This book opens your eyes to many of the shortcomings in traditional modern management practices.



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