3.3 Startup Key Performance Indicators


В предыдущем разделе вы познакомились с концепцией бизнес-гипотзы и, возможно, уже сформулировали гипотезу для своего проекта. Теперь вам предстоит проверить ее в ходе экспериментов с потребителями вашего продукта или услуги. Но как определить, верна ли ваша гипотеза? Для этого вам необходимо сформировать систему ключевых показателей для вашего стартапа. Какими они должны быть, как часто их проверять, и кто за них должен отвечать — обо всем этом вы узнаете из данного раздела.

Expected outcomes:

  • You will get acquainted with the concept of the business key performance indicators.
  • You will design the system of key performance indicators for your business project.
  • You will be able to test your hypothesis and make a decision on the further development of your project.

In order to watch lectures and get access to the practical part, you need to purchase the course

Course Features

  • Lectures 2
  • Quizzes 2
  • Duration 5 days
  • Level all levels
  • Language Russian, English
  • Students 32
  • Assessments Yes
Founder of Startup Navigator. Marina has held various management positions in international US and European companies, including Hewlett Packard, Oracle, Philips Lighting. She has experience in leadership during periods of acquisitions, mergers and divisions of companies. She founded the Aquamarine Book publishing house. As a publisher, she translated into Russian and released a number of bestsellers in the field of business, high technology and psychology in the period 2008-2011, including “What would Google do”, “Being a boss is normal”, “All about distribution”, “Health of a business leader. How to get to the top and stay there”, “Adventures of an IT leader”, “Management myths”, “Dot.Cloud: cloud computing – a business platform of the 21st century” Has a PhD in Economics

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