8.4 Outsourcing and professional services


As the company develops, its leaders sooner or later face the question of whether it is necessary to do everything by internal resources or is it better to turn to third-party organizations that specialize in certain operations. I.e to outsource some functions. 

For example, if you need to produce a product, is it better to do it yourself or order production from an independent company? How to determine the most profitable business option? 

The answer to this question is provided by the transaction cost theory. Transaction cost theory explains why companies expand their internal operations and structures, or outsource some of their functions by hiring third parties to perform them. In this section, you will get acquainted with its main points. You will also clarify the benefits of mentors and consultants for your project.

Expected outcomes:

  • You will determine which functions in your project are worth outsourcing to the third party contractors, and which are more appropriate to perform with your own resources.
  • You will learn which cloud services can help you organize some business functions efficiently.
  • You will learn how to work with consultants, and when you need advisory advice and what is its benefit.
  • You will understand why you need a mentor and how a mentor differs from a consultant.

To watch lectures and get access to the practical part, you need to purchase the course 

Course Features

  • Lectures 4
  • Quizzes 1
  • Duration 5 days
  • Level all levels
  • Language Russian, English
  • Students 39
  • Assessments Yes
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Founder of Startup Navigator. Marina has held various management positions in international US and European companies, including Hewlett Packard, Oracle, Philips Lighting. She has experience in leadership during periods of acquisitions, mergers and divisions of companies. She founded the Aquamarine Book publishing house. As a publisher, she translated into Russian and released a number of bestsellers in the field of business, high technology and psychology in the period 2008-2011, including “What would Google do”, “Being a boss is normal”, “All about distribution”, “Health of a business leader. How to get to the top and stay there”, “Adventures of an IT leader”, “Management myths”, “Dot.Cloud: cloud computing – a business platform of the 21st century” Has a PhD in Economics

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